Thursday, October 13, 2016

Alaska Goal

Alaska Goal
This is the goal I am working toward for this coming Stamping' Up year. It's a huge deal for me because I've always wanted to go to Alaska. I have a year to collect enough points to earn this trip in 2018. 
It's going to take a tremendous amount of work and at times I tend to get discouraged because it is so huge. 
Trying to reach that goal with online classes that I will start in November, home workshops and building my Stamping Up team. 
Will I make it? I don't know but I do know it is worth trying for.
Anyone interested in hosting a workshop (with great perks for the hostess) either online, a catalog workshop or in home work shop, I would love to be your demonstator. You can either be a career demon or a hobby demo to get the discounts for yourself. I would love to have you on my team!

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